Trader Joe’s Engagement Session / Seattle, Wa

If you know me, you know that I love Trader Joe’s. Like.. obsessed. So when I got an email with a mention of Trader Joe’s, I just knew that I was going to love these two!! Chris and Lily wanted to have a “morning on Capitol Hill” themed session where we stopped by a few of their favorite spots that they frequent and captured them just being themselves. First we started with a breakfast spot, then we grabbed some coffee/donuts, went to a bookstore, TJ’s for some grocery shopping, and ended with them at home lounging on their couch. I’ll share the rest of their fun engagement session in a separate blog post. For now, how freaking cute are they?! 🥰

Also, can I just say that the employees were so so sweet!! They gave them flowers while we were shooting to congratulate them on their engagement AND chocolates when they were checking out. <3


Wedding at The Farmhouse / Montgomery, Texas